Why Membership
We believe in the value of implementing a formal local church membership. Although none of the leadership team have previously been part of churches that operated formal membership, we have become convinced of the value that it provides. If you want to hear more about this, take a listen to a sermon on the topic here.
The short version is that formalised local church membership is an application of the Biblical statement that we "are one body in Christ, and individually parts of one another." The New Testament sets many expectations that we should mutually fulfil within the local church, and we believe that formal membership helps to define and clarify how those expectations are to be lived out.
Romans 12:4–5 (NASB 2020)
4 For just as we have many parts in one body and all the body’s parts do not have the same function, 5 so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually parts of one another.
Become a Member
If you'd like to become a member, we'd first ask you to pray and ask the Lord to confirm this in your heart! Second, please ensure you've read through our key documents, in particular the Church Covenant, the Church Rules and the Statement of Faith. It's necessary for all our members to affirm our Statement of Faith and agree with the articles in our other documentation. It isn't necessary to fully agree with our Doctrinal Distinctives in the Church Rules to become a member; however, members agree not to teach views in contradiction to these. Instead, the leadership would welcome healthy debate on these topics over a coffee!
Once you've read these documents, please click the link below and complete your details. Once you've submitted them, a member of the leadership team will get in touch to discuss it.
If you have any questions about it, please get in touch.